Vedata Information Technology Services

Vedata helps you (re)build, update and maintain your Online Presence (Website, Forum, Social Media) and Digital Infrastructure (PC, Tablet, Smartphone Network, Software) at the office, at home or on the move.

With 25+ years of Experience with Information Technology in Europe, Asia and the Middle-East you're at the right address.

Based on your goals Vedata assists you in establishing an Affordable and Practical solution.

In a fast changing world where more and more people are interacting online, the days of the "Set and Forget website" is steadily coming to an end.

A stable and secure Digital Infrastructure (PC, Tablet, Smartphone Network, Software) is also getting more and more important to any business, organisation or home.

All this requires more knowledge, skills and time as never before - with your customers, clients expecting you to keep up to date.

Vedata helps you make smart Information Technology choices that work for you and your business within your Means and Goals.


